How to create LIDAR “hillshade” XYZ map tiles

[FAQ link leads here]

This page details the steps needed to create hillshade XYZ map tiles from GeoTIFF elevation data files. I wrote it as a future aide-memoire for me and as a guide for other web developers. In this particular case, the GeoTIFF files contain high resolution data generated by LIDAR surveys, but any GeoTIFF containing high resolution elevation data should work in much the same way.

Here's some reference sites which may help or give useful background information:

The specific aim here is to produce detailed ground terrain maps from high resolution DTM (Digital Terrain Model) data, i.e. elevation data with buildings, trees etc. all filtered out but still showing features like rivers, ridges, etc. Here in England the definitive source for obtaining such data is the Defra Survey Data Download site.

I found the easiest (and free!) way to convert the data to map tiles for a small area was by using QGIS. I knew nothing about QGIS before this project, so I watched a couple of brief introductory videos to get a feel for what it can do—but this guide should cover what you need to know even if you have never used QGIS before.

Alternatively, if you need a really large area of tile coverage, then a better approach might be to investigate automating the conversions using the GDAL translator library with a scripting language. Python seems to lead the way there. I have no experience of that approach though.

So the big picture looks like this:

Step 1: Obtaining the LIDAR files

LIDAR elevation data files are available from a number of sources. For the UK, LIDAR GeoTIFFs can be downloaded from the DEFRA site linked to above. The data is available for various resolutions.

I asked the Defra Data Services Platform (DSP) Service Desk as to whether I could obtain the GeoTIFF data via an API, and their response was: "We can confirm that there is no API, but we can offer SFTP access to the complete dataset. Please note that complete 1M DTM as Zip’ed GeoTIFFs is 325 GB and the 2M DTM is 101 GB". So contact them directly via email if you need a large amount (i.e. hundreds or more) of data files—that would certainly be easier than dealing with the download site.

So because I knew I only needed around 80 data files, I chose to download them. I wanted the 1m data files, each of which contains elevation data spaced at one metre intervals for a 5km by 5km area. The download site is somewhat quirky (and not a little buggy—at least on Safari on a Mac), so I have provided detailed instructions:

Step 2: The QGIS Workflow

QGIS is then used to achieve the following tasks:

(I should mention that all of the steps below can be automated by using Python scripts within QGIS. I wasn't making enough tiles to bother with learning GQIS scripting, but it's there as an option.)

There are various ways to create a hillshade in QGIS, but for my particular need I found the symbology method (as explained below) produced the best-looking image for detailed terrain maps under foliage etc. My aim was to choose the best method to show up the remains of buildings and similar low-level artefacts.

So, for the sake of completeness, here's the various hillshade methods I tried out:

These methods all produce slightly different hillshades which may suit better for other purposes, but for my purpose the Symbology approach offered the most options for getting the look I wanted. The other methods (for my particular use case) were either too contrasty, too washed out, not detailed enough, too blurry when zoomed, or didn't have enough options for tweaking the look. YMMV, so you should try some of the other methods to see if they suit your needs better.

QGIS Step-By-Step

Note: The hillshade styling requires a metric projection, which the British National Grid is. For other projections in degrees (which most of them are), please see Morgan Hite's excellent detailed explanation at his The Wandering Cartographer site: Making shaded relief from digital elevation models (DEMs) in QGIS. Follow the instructions there to re-project accordingly. Sorry to be so hand-wavy here, but that's not a step I needed to do, so I haven't tried it myself. Then wherever you see me referring to the British National Grid here, substitute your own metric projection accordingly.

Open QGIS. Ensure the Processing Toolbox is visible on the right-hand side by checking that Toolbox is ticked in the Processing menu.

Merge your GeoTIFF files

Merge the unzipped GeoTIFF files into one big file as follows:

QGIS Raster menu

Set up the Coordinate Reference System

It's crucial to get the CRS set up in a metric projection like the British National Grid. The project and layer values must be identical, so do this:

QGIS CRS inputs

You should now be ready to add the hillshade effect.

Add the Hillshade to the merged GeoTIFF layer

QGIS adding the hillshade

You should now see the merged layer with a hillshade. Zoom in and check the settings above have created a satisfactory outcome. Some of the other zoom in/out options can produce crosshatch artefacts when zoomed in, so check carefully to ensure the layer looks good for your purposes. You can play around with the the settings here to get the look you want. The settings described above are what I ended up with after a lot of experimentation, but it's all personal choice to get the look you want.

Weirdness (bug?) work-around

Theoretically, you could now export from your hillshaded layer as XYZ map tiles. But I found that doing so creates unwanted fine crosshatch lines on the map tile files—even though none are visible in QGIS when fully zoomed in! Why this happens is a mystery, and possibly may not be a problem in later versions of QGIS (it certainly occurs in versions 3.34 and v3.36 though). Googling for crosshatch artefacts in QGIS reveals that the usual culprit for this problem is picking the wrong zoom type, but that is not the case here. The layer looks great in QGIS, but not when exported as map tiles :-(

So what to do? Luckily, after a considerable amount of experimentation, I found a work-around. You have to:

This seems to work reliably. You do it like this:

QGIS exporting the layer

Sanity check

At this point, you might want to do a quick sanity check before trying to create the tiles. So go to the to the top left panel (the Browser panel) and do this:

You should now see something like this:

QGIS sanity check

What you should see is your hillshade layer sitting exactly where it should be in the world on top of the OpenStreetMap layer. If not, you have some coordinate reference settings wrong somewhere.

Export as XYZ Tiles

Assuming the sanity check went OK, you can now select the exported file layer you created (i.e. highlight it) and untick all the others so that all you can see in the main window is your hillshade file layer.

Then do the following in the Processing Toolbox panel:

On completion, you can open the HTML viewing file in the output directory to view the tiles and check they are OK. This works fine locally, there's no need to upload anything anywhere.

If the tiles all look good, then check at maximum zoom levels to ensure they look how you want them to. If all has gone well, they should look exactly the same as your hillshade layer in QGIS. You can now delete the various intermediate files you made during the process.

Step 3: Implementing the map tiles in your site

The generated tiles should all be in your chosen output folder in sub-folders named from "8" to "18" (i.e. the minimum zoom level to the maximum). They can now all be copied to a tile directory on your website for use in the XYZ format as https://domain/tile-dir/z/x/y.png where z is the zoom level directory and x and y are the cartesian coordinate directories for locations within the map extent. An OpenLayers tile layer constructor example might be:

const LIDARlayer = new ol.layer.Tile({
   source: new ol.source.XYZ({
      attributions: [ "Bob's mighty tile layer" ],
      url: "/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
      maxZoom: 18

So a requested tile would be (say): /tiles/12/2033/1374.png, where OpenLayers substitutes actual values for the tiles it needs in the {z}, {x} and {y} placeholders.

There is also an example on the OpenLayers Examples site of how to uses an XYZ tile set. You can also look at my JavaScript map loader file to see how I'm using my XYZ tile set in OpenLayers here. This site is all written in plain vanilla JavaScript, CSS and HTML (no JavaScript frameworks or file bundling) so you can see exactly how I've done it if you do a View Page Source on any page. The JS is slightly complicated by using the ol-layerswitcher control, but it should be fairly clear what's going on, and it's heavily commented (not least to remind me how it all works in 6 months' time). You may see a huge amount of JS files if you use a browser dev tool to view the site sources—that's because I'm using import maps over http2 to efficiently pull in all the JS mapping and other dependencies rather than using a bundler tool. But the actual site JS files are pretty simple.

Protecting your tiles

This is a free site for anyone to use, so I'm very happy if anyone uses the code in whatever way they want, or better still, improves it and feeds the improvements back to me. But I have a limit on my web server bandwidth and therefore I cannot afford to allow others to request tiles from my site for use by their own sites (I would if I could). So I wanted a means to ensure my tiles could only be used by this site.

Instead of just having the tiles in a site directory on my server which can easily be accessed by anyone, I pass tile requests to a simple gatekeeper tile server written in a server-side language. It accepts the GET parameters for the {z}, {x} and {y} values for the required tiles. I can then check who is requesting the tiles and serve them from a private location.

However, reading and streaming files in a server-side language can be a bit costly on resources, especially if tile demand is likely to be high. Thankfully Nginx has a better built-in approach: the X-Accel-Redirect feature (known as XSendfile in other web servers). This is essentially a lightweight and very efficient means of serving private files directly from the web server without the need for reading and streaming in your code. I used PHP for this, but any server-side language will do, so long as it can:

Nginx sees the X-Accel-Redirect header in the output and re-directs internally to serve out the private file specified in the header. This gives you the dual benefits of efficient web server file caching and serving of the tile images, along with very low resource usage in your server-side language.

Here's my tileserver.php file. Even of you don't know any PHP it's simple enough to understand, and the comments describe how the X-Accel-Redirect works for this site:

  Serves private XYZ PNG tiles but only if the 'referer' header matches.
  (not secure but a cheap barrier against casual use by other sites)

  Uses nginx 'X-Accel-Redirect' header thus:
  The JS OpenLayers URL is:    /scripts/tileserver.php?z={z}&x={x}&y={y}
  This arrives here as (say):  /scripts/tileserver.php?z=12&x=2033&y=1374
  This is translated below to: /maptiles/12/2033/1374.png
  NB: '/maptiles' does not exist on the site, it's just an alias name
  used for the internal redirection. The alias URI is placed in the 
  redirect header, which makes nginx do an internal redirect and deliver 
  the file from /var/www/private/tiles/12/2033/1374.png

  This requires the following in the nginx site conf:
    location /maptiles {
        alias /var/www/private/tiles;


// Test who is requesting the tiles
$liveSite = str_contains($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '') ;
$testSite = str_contains($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'http://localhost:8081');

// Set $maintenanceMode to true to serve a placeholder PNG with a suitable 
// message during a period of tiles directory maintenance or repopulation
$maintenanceMode = false; 

if ($liveSite || $testSite) {
  header('Content-Type: image/png');
  if ($liveSite) {
    if ($maintenanceMode) {
      header("X-Accel-Redirect: /maptiles/tilesdown.png");
    } else {
      // Fully working live site, so redirect to the private tile store
      header("X-Accel-Redirect: /maptiles/{$_GET['z']}/{$_GET['x']}/{$_GET['y']}.png");
  } else {
      // Local test site, so just stream out the tiles from the site directory
else {
  // Disallow everyone else
  header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');

I am fully aware that the referer header is totally insecure and can be spoofed in hand-crafted HTTP requests using curl, netcat and the like, but it is one of the forbidden header names. That means that all browsers are designed to prevent any referer header changes in outgoing requests, including requests made in JavaScript. So the tiles should be safe from casual use by JavaScript mapping software on any other site, because the browser will ensure that any other site will send its own referer header with all client JavaScript requests. Such requests will be rejected by my tile server code when it reads the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] value (PHP makes all the request headers available in the predefined $_SERVER array in the format 'HTTP_n' where n is the header name).

To be clear: this is just a device to keep out casual attempts to access the tiles in order to keep within my data limits. I'll happily snail-mail over the 7.5GB of tiles on a USB stick or similar to whoever might want them. But if anyone can be bothered to write something using curl or whatever to download the tiles, then good luck to them—they've earned the right to use them as they see fit :-).

I'm always very happy to talk to site users and fellow developers, so please feel free to email me at if you have any questions.